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arborelia boosted

@BestGirlGrace I'll put it on the wishlist of places to visit! I'm in the Raleigh area where there is a good amount of pinball but almost no preservation of old machines. almost every playable machine is from the last 6 years

@BestGirlGrace when I was getting interested in 70s pinball I was at a place that had the playfield on display and I was sad I couldn't play it

then later, I learned that looking at the playfield is much more interesting than actually playing the game of Can You Hit The Center Lane 8 Times

@BestGirlGrace I don't even know whether you mean the 1979 machine or the 2015 one, but you're absolutely right either way

If this post is for you, you'll know, and I'm glad you're reading it:

I really do care about you. I hope we can talk again.

-, not about Meta, I do not care about Meta 

I've gotten upset, defensive, and a little bit paranoid about the way I see post-Twitter queer communities fighting each other.

and then I ended up part of it. I said something hurtful to someone who didn't deserve it. Over... discourse and general social media shit.

I need to take a break from the fediverse.

arborelia boosted

a thing i’ve gotten interesting while making word games and NLP tools is the construction of (English) word lists

i’m currently of the conviction that when someone releases a word list, it needs metadata that includes an edit log of all source lists as well as individual word removals and deletions at the discretion of the author

arborelia boosted
arborelia boosted
arborelia boosted

It is a scathing indictment that I am somehow a queer elder now. I’m 42. There is a generation before me but not nearly as large as it should be. And trans folks? We’ve always existed but good luck finding the elder of us. Between transphobia, lack of access to care, and poverty, too many didn’t make it.

arborelia boosted

Online communities are real communities. People have met future spouses, weathered difficult life events, organized politically, raised money to help each other all through the panoply of social websites.

Often community rules and culture are guided by moderators, who almost always work for free.

Despite all of this we generally accept that these are not the people who own the website or the ones who control its fate.

Over and over this creates heartache and disappointment.

@juliana @deejvalen maybe you’ve already got this recommendation or already read it, but have you tried “The House By The Cerulean Sea”?

arborelia boosted
arborelia boosted

Good job, Dang. You decided to evade a benign redirect to we added to protect our developers. Now everyone who has ever submitted to Hacker News gets to see this banner on our website until they clear their browser history and stop contributing to HN.

arborelia boosted

Man in polyester suit: so what you do is you type any combination of words and it displays the words statistically most likely to come after those words.

Shark Tank judge: Okay... So what is the purpose of your little sentence guesser?

Polyester suit man: It will destroy civilization, obviously.

@dariaphoebe A favorite doesn’t feel right so let me leave you a 😭 in reply as well

That post gives the context, but if you already know what the Famicom game Cocoron is and you want the direct link to a new way to play it:

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@deejvalen nice. I read it the first time as “look if you’re trans” because it made sense and would fit the rhyme

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!