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Silver Ball Century is my stream series where I play through virtual pinball tables, chronologically, and it continues with 1977 tonight:

"mastodon federation isn't hard to understand, it's just like e-mail"

I've never clicked on an e-mail the wrong way and ended up looking at it through the sender's e-mail client, which I can't interact with, instead of my own

heck. got the name wrong of the conservative mayor who tried to destroy pinball. Fiorello LaGuardia.

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sexual implications. the one good tweet from my old private twitter 

[this actually happened to me, in 2019]

Cute girl: So. Before we proceed. How do you feel about Marx?
Me (nervous): Umm look I guess I'm a socialist but I don't really know enough about the political theory behind it
Her: ...
Me: I'm sorry
Her: ...
Her: Marks. Can I leave marks on your skin

Earthbound PK Scramble with a different pool of random settings than usual:

arborelia boosted

It's okay to mourn twitter-the-network-not-the-company, is my takeaway from this excellent article, because what you're mourning is the people:

The Walking Dead is the worst fucking pinball machine designed in the last 30 years

I think Enrico LaGuardia should come back from hell just to destroy every copy of that machine in particular. It would be thematically fitting

late night PK Scramble mystery run! will I finish it? It is a mystery

it's thanksgiv-DING, where we are thankful for virtual EM pinball tables! chat raffles pick the table.

If you have an RSS reader and don't use Cohost, you can still follow my Cohost feed:

arborelia boosted

@Patricia YAML isn't bad, you just need the right accessory on your laptop to debug. :blobfoxcomputerowonotice:

okay this seems similar to turning off the "advanced Web interface"? one of those is under "Preferences" and one is under "App settings". what's the difference

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I found Mastodon's "mobile interface" and I am enthusiastically using it on desktop.

It's good. It's familiar. It's Twitter-like if Twitter didn't waste a column on the hate crime of the day.

I do not need to see all my notifications all the time

oh hey I'm back

I'm primarily on but I need to have a mastodon feed to check too

arborelia boosted
arborelia boosted

I guess it doesn't stop me from following her? I don't know the implications

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I just learned that this mastodon silences the mastodon my gf is on

Now what

lewd, not explicit, self 

You're all good nice people so have a selfie

Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!