printers, Avery labels, cussing
Number of Avery address labels with their trademark "Sure Feed Technology" run through a laser printer: 300 (5 sheets of 60 each).
Number of printed labels aligned enough to be salvageable despite half-inch margins in artwork: 189 (63%).
Labels wasted due to jams/misalignment: 111 (37%).
Number of address labels printed on copy paper and misaligned by over 1/16 inch in any direction: 0.
Fuck you, Avery. Shit bootleg labels print straighter & more reliably.
re: printers, Avery labels, cussing
So, Avery's labels managed to completely gum up my office's printer, resulting in lots of copy paper pages jamming on nothing, as well as every single nightly print job queuing up for the last 2 days being spontaneously lost.