
Today, January 19th, 2023, is the fifteenth anniversary before the Year 2038 rollover, when the number of seconds since the Unix Epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC) becomes too large for a signed 32-bit integer.

Unready applications dealing with long-term planning or scheduling, even those running on ready operating systems, are already feeling the effects, for example, by predicting children born today to graduate high school in 1903.

The only FreeBSD architecture still vulnerable at the OS level is i386 (32-bit Intel CPUs), which will make vintage computing interesting.

My Palm IIIxe is also not affected by the Year 2038 problem. Instead, it's got different time bugs that mean I won't be able to keep my radical leftist agenda on it past 2032.

Time bugs!
The Doctor's new nemesis!

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