My HP Laserjet 1100
has printed an average of 5 pages a day for 25 years & counting.
My latest Unix workstation can print to it just fine.
My latest Linux workstation can print to it just fine.
My latest Windows workstation can't print to it at all because a compatible driver doesn't exist. No compatible driver exists because HP removed downloads for Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, & 10, & Microsoft removed it from Windows Update for 10 & 11.
But if I downgrade to S2K3, XP, 2K, or NT4, I can print to it.
re: My HP Laserjet 1100
Also, on a positive tangent, the long since lost manual for my printer has a section on cleaning the lone faulty part: the pick-up roller. Thank the Internet Archive for preserving the needful things their makers don't.