

I wish Sunak's constituency had voted to resign him as MP, sparing him the need to resign as PM and party leader.

During his resignation speech, which was sorry in more ways than he said, his wife stood behind him with an umbrella yet his suit still looked like it was thoroughly rained on.

I guess that's what trying to import a lack of food, water, and health care while trying to blame immigrants and deport them to a place already lacking them gets you.

ukpol - 

That said, the UK seems to be successfully importing the worst of my country's political beliefs. Although Reform won only five of the 13 seats exit polls said they'd get, Mister High Velocity Milkshake Target won his constituency and is now an MP, and their candidates got more combined votes than the third-place Liberal Democrats, 4,103,727 to 3,501,004 if I'm to believe the Financial Times:

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