Task: Read an error message lasting only 0.5s between POST & OS loader.

Screenshot it: 🤡​

Take a photo with a smartphone: It unreliably spends up to 5s refocusing before snapping a blank screen.

Take a video with a smartphone: The error is too blurry to read, only coming into focus long after it's gone.

Take a photo with a flip phone's potato: It unreliably delays up to 2s.

Break out a 1998 camera that uses an actual floppy disk as film & USB FDD: Success on the very first try!

WAT 💾​


13.4-RELEASE-p2 amd64 with EFI (pretty sure UEFI), GPT, & encrypted ZFS root, after performing the steps recommended in:
- freebsd.org/releases/13.0R/rel
- freebsd.org/releases/13.1R/rel
- freebsd.org/releases/13.2R/rel

Photographed with a Sony Mavica MVC-FD51, and read in using a SmartDisk FDUSB-TM2.

(The release notes URLs for 13.3-RELEASE and 13.4-RELEASE don't discuss boot loader changes or actions.)

@arielmt once again vindicated in mavica and I's habit of collecting old digital cameras. Of course it was a mavica 😜

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