Goals for this year:
* Finish the IS2 project
* Design and finish at least one game
* Find some way of getting income, whether from a job or otherwise
* Stop panicking over not being in my twenties ;~;


@Raspberryfloof I'm part of a discord server for older queer people if you're interested in being around other not-20s friendly folk?

@atinyfairy I just don't know how to deal with it yet I guess? .-.

I mean, I've been out of a job for three years now, feel like I probably couldn't get anything decent anymore, don't feel like I accomplished anything since entering college 12 years ago, and don't really know what to do with myself anymore...

@atinyfairy I'm afraid that being 30 will make it even harder for me to get my foot in places doing programming or IT or anything, and even though I left college wanting a job working on games in some form I don't know if I'll ever be able to really do that at all anymore :S

I guess I haven't found myself, in some sense, and getting older is just reminding me of that?

@atinyfairy and, like, a late additional thought on this, but like

When I look around nowadays, I see people who are like, 21, 19, 16 sometimes, building and doing unbelievable things, who have so much talent and are using it amazingly

and, like, I never really made *anything* when I was younger? I don't have any sort of portfolio or prior work of any kind and it feels like it's too late now, and all these people who are actually talented will deservedly go places and leave me behind I guess?

@atinyfairy regret tinged with loneliness and feeling invalid, I guess :X

@Raspberryfloof I understand this feeling, but there are also a lot of talented and well-known people who didn't really get started until their 30s, 40s, 50s
it's never too late to learn things, it's never too late to do things. you can be impressive at any age

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!