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Source code for Infocom’s original interpreters released: with little fanfare, Andrew Plotkin uploaded a trove of newly-discovered source code for various 1980s computers to GitHub

Today is :flag_transgender:​ 🕯️​.

If it's new to you, please research it and the issues, challenges, and threats we face that make today necessary. Remember the dead, and fight like hell for the living.

you know that quote that's often (erroneously) attributed to Shigeru Miyamoto -- "a late game is late until it releases, a rushed game is bad forever"?

well. turns out a trans woman game dev was the one who said it. huh.

Paris has revealed plans for pedestrianizing the city that include creating 100 hectares of new pedestrian space by 2030 and transforming car lanes to human-friendly pathways and rain gardens.

Love this part: "walking is free, it's emission-free, it's noise-free, it's good for your health and, as we see every time we pedestrianise, it's also good for local businesses."

People-friendly cities for the win! 🚶‍♀️ 🌳 🚴‍♂️

#paris #environment #urbanism #walking #ClimateChange

One of the thing I’ve learned about the consequences of bullying is that when people tell you things like “I’m pretty bad at math” or “computers aren’t for me” or “I don’t really get art or fashion” and you talk to them for a bit what you often find - not always, but often - what that really means is “somebody treated me like shit for trying to like this when I was 9.”

For avoidance of doubt:
IPR supports trans rights and BIMPOC creators and gamers.
Fascists, Nazis, and TERFs can all fuck right off.

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I surprised someone again yesterday by saying that I legitimately don’t think technical issues are the hard part of shipping projects.

I find the constraints are almost always about how to navigate conflicting points of view, deadlines, organization, planning, and budgets. People, planning, and money are the hardest topics. The technical parts seem far less difficult -sometimes even trivial- in comparison.

This is a brilliant way to do gamepad identification and my fellow fairy friend has given me permission to share their process

And here I was considering one of those monolithic device lookup tables, hah

@Celestia 39:35! I never got stuck in this one, it flowed nicely from start to finish with a little thinking! thanks so much for the puzzle!

2023 marked Draknek's 10th anniversary making games, and before the year closes we wanted to put all of our games on sale across all platforms where they are available.
The different stores have different discount guidelines and promotion dates, so it doesn't happen often that we can get them to all line up!

Be careful how you are talking to yourself because you are listening.

free language learning tip from someone who absolutely 100% has had The Struggle:

take a text that’s somewhat too difficult for you and write it down. Make a copy, by hand. If it’s long just keep going until you run out of time.

You can look up a word here and there if you’re baffled but don’t get sidetracked, keep writing.

re: stuck 

@Celestia I managed to finish! thanks again for the puzzle!

re: stuck 

@Celestia ooh I was thinking backwards, the 47 isn't pointing INTO the 12 cage so it doesn't break the 12 cage
adding the cage totals does force the outside cells to be 89 pairs which neatly sets the values of the four central cages! let's see where it goes from here!
(thanks for the help, and also for the puzzle!)


@Celestia the interactions in columns 4 and 5 keep breaking the puzzle for me. I'm not sure where I'm going wrong.
the 1 in box 5 forces the 1 in the 8 cage into box 1, this forces the 1 into the 10 cage of box 4 and puts 68 in the 14 cage.
Now we have 8s pointing into box 5 which restrict the 20 cage. 479 and 578 break the 12 cage. 389 with 8 in r7c5 sets the 19 cage f box 5 to 478, or 568 with 8 in r5c4, both of which break the 12 cage. 659 sets the 19 cage to 478, breaking the 12 cage.

tumblr will forever be the greatest evidence that social media and corporate interests are completely incompatible (tbf most everything is)

apple's purity culture bs
automattic's shiny new unoriginal features no one wants that only get in the way of the "core experience"
yahoo's whatever the fuck they were doing

desire for constant infinite growth is hostile

@Celestia this was a lot of fun! I'm not a strong solver, it took me a while to find the next steps after resolving most of the center band. I ended up using high-low coloring which got me through! Finding the interactions of all the 12 cages was really nice. my solve ended up being 49 minutes flat!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!