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An interview with Rebecca Sugar, creator of #StevenUniverse:

She talks about how the Gems are coded as female but are nonbinary, and explicitly says she is a nonbinary woman herself. It legit brought happy tears to my eyes.

Liberapay is in trouble, here's our blog post that explains the situation and what you should do if you're one of our 2000 active users:

Protect your schedule, including the empty time.

have you considered that maybe I am a force of great evil

oh hello there deja vu
Usually when I experience something I already know about it's because of a dream, but this time it literally felt like events from two months ago were repeating verbatim?

Stream announcement 

‪I’m finishing up world 2 of FFV: Four Dragoon Fiesta! Still have the Seal Guardians and Exdeath to go…‬‬

@maple I'm sorry people are being shitty to you :( you're a good person and a good friend

The story of the accidental discovery of a trove of LGBTQ+ history in the attic of a South London flat:

relationship - 

Sara broke up with the person they broke up with me to be with
I hope they’re going to be okay :(
It’s hard to see someone hurting and not feel like you’re in a position to help

I think hers is a little bit more popular than mine
just a smidge

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I was wondering aloud how to mute notifications on a toot since it got like 40 boosts and my roommate jack was like "oh did you post something popular" so I checked how her viral tweet has been doing lately

Before you post a viral toot remember to clean up your public posts

If you or someone you love lives in the US and needs help accessing government services, I just found the BEST WEBSITE
This site talks about how to get disability, food assistance, medical care, affordable housing, all sorts of programs you may or may not have heard of, and how to apply, and how to appeal, and how to everything! It's great!

Stream announcement 

‪I’m continuing my Chaos No750 Four Job Fiesta run ! We’re just about to finish world 1!!‬‬

if anybody has leads on programming gigs (even smallish ones), i've been out of a job since October and my CV is at

it's been much longer than I would have hoped, so I figure this is worth a shot

Withdrawing socially is a common form of self-harm among people with #depression. Please keep an eye out for it and recognize that someone who pulls away when they're depressed won't necessarily want to keep that distance when the fugue ends.

Are there any people who have died who have a few moments to chat about their experiences before & after

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!