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breakups are hard even if they're amicable

anyway as always a reminder:

if you are feeling overwhelmed or unhappy with the timeline?

it's ok to mute.

it's ok to block.

it's ok to close the tab and go do something else.

don't feel obligated to read it. you're free.

bad feelings 

It feels like I don't have any space to hide and cry because too many people are counting on me to be strong and responsible and to do everything. I have to drive everyone everywhere and do all the cooking and the cleaning and laundry and do my job and manage the budget and manage my partner's mental illness and run everything and never ever have a bad day
It's impossible

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bad feelings 

A lot of things have not been going very well lately. Aside from the recent death of War, which absolutely devastated my roommate, there's the mountain of medical bills and constant doctor visits for my partner, the lost package I sent my good friend, my other partner's living and financial situation, my mostly nonexistent relationship with my other other partner, stress from all the rush jobs at work, and all my other responsibilities…
I can't handle it.

animal death 

Creampuff War, one of our rats, passed away this morning.

She was sick, so we gave her some extra attention last night. We gave her a nice warm place to rest with a steamy water cup nearby to add some humidity. We gave her some snacks (but she didn't want to eat anything). We made plans to call the vet in the morning.

She was buried on the Griffy Lake Nature Preserve. She is survived by Pumpkin Pie Pestilence, Red Velvet Famine, Chocolate Chip Cookie Death, and Abaddon Éclair.

I made a new friend today! She's very nice and fun to talk to and I hope we stay friends for a long time

Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!