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If I wanted to make a spicy alt where should I do it

Help my friend, a disabled UK trans woman, avoid eviction and hopefully replace her laptop !!!

I made a rash financial decision that I hope doesn’t come back to bite me but at least I’m not actively trying to siphon money from the community by encouraging people to buy twitch subscriptions

Kitty and I are like the least compatible sleepers. E doesn’t like to cuddle, doesn’t like sheets or blankets, and needs lots of room because e moves around constantly. Meanwhile I’m a cold-blooded wraith who absorbs the heat of others to survive, needs lots of blankets so the heat doesn’t escape, and am very tiny

I don't like it when people talk about spending money :/

*copies regex filter for home timeline to the local and federated ones too because the controls for muting toots are split between all of them for some reason*

injury, gross 

I jammed my toe and the nail broke in half and there's blood under it and it hurts lots. the injury expert of my family, my roommate Tilly, says the nail is likely to fall off in the next couple days. Great.
I'd post pictures but I'm not sure I trust content warnings to keep curious eyes in check.

So I'm short about $300 between now and the 15th, thanks to an unexpected emergency. If you have some spare cash, I could really use your help.


hi! i think i finished the updates to my website now. let me know you if think there's any other cool things i do i didn't mention there

i've also set up a patreon page. i'm not currently struggling for cash though! there are many other awesome people out there who could use your money more than me. but if you'd like to help anyway, here it is

you can also help throuh ko-fi or buying my albums

kind of a take 

we can support each other
we can speak affectionately with each other
we can cheer each other up when we're down
we can send each other cute art
we can each tell the other that they look great

it don't gotta be flirting
it don't gotta be crushes
it don't gotta be attraction
it don't gotta be dating
it don't gotta be similar to dating

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kind of a take 

sometimes in social spaces that are very queer and very polyamorous, all affection can get treated as flirting, any closeness as dating or on the way to it, etc. it can be treated as an assumption that we all wanna cuddle and kiss and maybe fuck all our good friends

but it's rly important imo to leave space for deep, dear, loving platonic friendships
even if we're non-monogamous and orientations work out such that we theoretically could all be dating/fucking each other

I make one post to that account and like three people DM me to say they wanna kiss me it's unreal how did this happen

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!