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too many feelings and too many memories when you're still in love with someone who has moved on

Hi my partner’s laptop broke and they need a computer for their freelance job
If you have a few dollars to spare while they can’t work please donate


I don't know that I ever wrote a thing about how I survived and managed my ed, and what things worked or didn't work for me
I don't know if that's interesting or useful for other people but this has been a very long difficult struggle, and even though I'm doing very well lately, the "strategies" I used to fight my ed still shape a lot of my eating habits today

my follower & followed count dropped by 5 on twitter today
I don't know what happened
my brain is spinning conspiracy theories about people blocking me

I got a bad sunburn and now my life is suffering

Getting a tow to the car repair place
I’m trying not to cry again

Would anyone like to watch Cardcaptor Sakura today? I'm free in 2 hours…

Sure would be nice if I could sleep in my own bed at 4 in the morning without my partner calling someone on the phone and having loud speakerphone conversations with them

accessability in pedagogy 

people with "learning disabilities" are the canaries in the coal mine of any education system. just about anything that doesn't work for them is bound to be confusing to more than _just_ them, and most of that confusion stems from industrial-age (or worse, enlightenment-age) "traditions".

accessible curriculums are effective curriculums.


In more positive news my girlfriend gushing about their girlfriend is incredibly cute, and it looks like my crush has been flirting with one of my meta-metamours… I'm always really happy when I see my friends and partners in love

lewd adjacent 

Literally everyone I know is into huge boobs and I'm here with a b cup and like, vague but visceral discomfort with grotesque and extreme proportions in art oops


haven't really talked about this as much as i'd like to, or at all, but it makes me sick to my stomach when liberals and "leftists" join the calls for us military intervention so

please ask yourself if it makes any sense for assad, who is on the verge of a military victory, who forced jaish al-islam into negotiations, to launch a chemical weapons attack and provoke outrage and give the us excuses to intervene. are the military gains of doing that worth it? are there any at all?

her: Devon! Your phone! It’s smaller than my hand!
me: Teresa your phone goes all the way up to my chest

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!