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tiny person problems 

Today I was doing customer service at my day job and even though I wasn’t helping a customer people kept walking by my station to go to the next person
When I was finally able to flag down someone they were like “oh! I didn’t see you standing there.”

lewd-ish joke 

Tomorrow is Mother’s Day so this is a reminder to all of you to call your domme, I’m sure she would love to hear from you

Speaking of accessibility:

(ofc I forgot the captions)

Who needs roguelikes and souls games when you have slowly leveling up by incrementally reducing the use of self-deprecating jokes as a defense mechanism against feelings of vulnerability?

If you're looking for a Linux sysadmin experienced with ubuntu, LAMP(/nginx) stacks, and that sort of thing, I'm looking for work. Get in touch. I like legacy applications and fixing things.

(e.g. I run, a fairly well-trafficked wiki)

My GitHub is kind of barren ( but it has some code if you want to look at it I guess

reminder that "trap" is a slur and literally gets people killed

police, government surveillance, guns 

LB: Holy shit from that article: "The FBI, Keighley said, learned of the protest from a video on Infowars, a far-right site run by the commentator Alex Jones, known for spreading false news and conspiracy theories."

An FBI agent saw someone on InfoWars, surveilled him, and incarcerated him without bail for 6 months to punish him and his family for Facebook posts. They had no intend of winning the case because the case itself would fuck up his life.

I havent been posting most places
I feel simultaneously too visible and vulnerable and also like I can't say things or process them enough to put into words

is this joke still relevant? i haven't paid attention to the "chiptune community" since about 2005

*kicks the door down*



hey if you need someone's permission to use that one super metroid interview as evidence that trans Samus is canon, I'm a professional J-E translator and I support you

may 4th, government violence 

It's important to remember that today is also the 48th anniversary of the Kent State Massacre, where the Ohio National Guard fired upon unarmed students protesting the expansion of the Vietnam War into Cambodia.

Four students were killed, including two not involved in the protest, just going to class.

The shooting galvanized Kent State students Gerald Casale and Bob Lewis, who channeled their response into what would become the band DEVO:

uspol, LGBT, positive

"New Hampshire to become 19th state with transgender nondiscrimination protections"



"I hope you like the books I loaded on there for you..."
She couldn't hear me over her broad translucent fins slapping the sand & surf excitedly.

"I can finally read in bed! Oh oh I can finally join a book club!"

"Uh, I dunno if there's any beach-side ones here..."

"My girlfriend will just have to start one, then."

"I'll look into it tonight, love."


#tootfic #microfiction #writing #urbanfantasy #terylstales #lgbt #mermay

Joni Kittaka just put up her Patreon and a very cute video that goes along with it!!

@noelle Along similar lines: archaeologists excavating the ancient Neo-Babylonian city of Ur unearth…a museum, complete with neatly labelled artifacts.


also… some of the people involved already softblocked me, answering the question for me, but… how aggressively should I re-privatise
Earlier today I almost deleted my twitter account because I didn't want to see what my ex was up to… and I hardly ever post because I don't want to upset anyone or impose on anyone……

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So, I should leave my old polycule's discord server, right? I should have left months ago, right?
I'm one of like… four… people there who isn't in the 'cule but is just a close friend (after the breakup that disconnected my 'cule from this one)… but… it's really awkward to be there………

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!