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Anyway hi I'm in a really good mood now because as it turns out my psychology is very easy to manipulate when I remember where the buttons and dials are

I think the answer to “was [x person in my past] a good person?” is “does it matter? It doesn’t change that it happened, and *you* can be a good person *now*.”

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My roommate is clipping our bunny's nails right now and I'd date pictures but she's really camera shy but trust me it's very cute;;

straggling witches alight, in ones and twos, streaming toward the horizon. behind them, the town's lights wink off in sync with the exodus.

eventually there's only starlight, and the guttering blue flicker of the gate's massive torches.

in the distance, a witch calls a missing cat; she soon ascends skyward, a furry head peering from her satchel. she spots you looking on.

"everything well, sister?"
"as well as can be; i suppose. i'll be on my way, just taking one last look."
"i understand. blessed be, friend, and farewell."
"you, too. goodbye."

as you finally prepare to fly, you're still thinking of the expression on her face, and the sound of her voice.

Love being blocked by fandom friends because I support peace in Korea ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare. ~ Audre Lorde

my partner just told me e wanted to move out
I don't know where this came from and I'm really shocked and confused and hurt

taking breaks from being an incredibly worthless fuckup who upsets everyone around em to worry about friends having bad times too


I often tell friends who are struggling to put food on their plate they should apply for SNAP or go to the food bank

They often reply that they don't want to take it from the people who really need it

Friends, if your bank account is zilch and you're begging online for donations to buy food, you're the people who really need it. It's for you. I only ever got myself out of poverty by taking advantage of every social service available.

Try the food bank.

Gentle reminder: I'm a poor unemployed woof swimming in debt and I need some sort term financial help to pay some of it down:

Long term I'm looking for remote editing, php, or database work:

Lastly, if you'd like to support my endeavors, including my mastodon instance, become a patron:

Please boost if you can. <3

typographical abomination 


Fundraiser update 

Thank you to all who have helped and shared. Unfortunately, the situation is no less dire: my friend has no spending money and continues to be hounded by the collectors. While donations thus far have indeed helped, most have gone to food and other necessities, meaning it will take a concerted push to improve things.

Once again, please spare only what you can, and regardless of how much, spread word to whomever you can think to reach.



I was thinking about robots and now my girlfriend is here in bed with me and I'm a little excited,,, >.<

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!