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i really appreciate FOSS for the communal benefit it provides. in a sea of shit-tier paid & proprietary software it's refreshing when i come across an open source solution that just *works*, and i can feel confident that i won't be bombarded with ads and other bloat, too.

bunny boosted

the PC gaming experience is building a $1000 rig and then promptly using it to play low-res pixel art games

bunny boosted

officially . please get in touch with me if you know of any remote positions for an all-around programmer, developer, interface designer with 10 years experience. i can do pretty much anything with computers and i need to survive. :boost_ok:

bunny boosted

If you come upon a post with a hopeful and positive message about the world or our future, why don't you take a moment to consider these things before you post a negative comment about why people should be afraid and anxious:

What is my motivation? Why do I want to add negativity to this post?

Am I assuming people don't already understand the information I'm adding? Most people are well aware of the issues facing the world, having hope doesn't mean they are hiding their head in the sand, good things exist along with the bad.

Would this be better as a post sent from my own account?

Do I have any helpful solutions people can actually engage in, that they aren't already, or am I just being a Doomsayer?

I know it's scary out there right now, and it's easy to lean towards the negative. People without hope and joy have nothing to fight for. That doesn't mean they don't care, but no one should spend all their time in the darkness, we need light to thrive.

i feel that threads is going to be A Moment for the fediverse, though not in a good way. it looks like our instance won't be federating with it, but it remains to be seen how other instances (especially large ones) will deal with having a company like meta enter their spaces

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bunny boosted
A bunch of new followers, hi all! I'm Jonne / laamaa, from Finland.

I like to make #chiptune / #demoscene / #VGM influenced music with trackers and #synthesizers as a hobby and I post stuff mostly related to that.

You can find my releases from Bandcamp (

I'm interested in #art, #audio, #musicproduction and #gamedev. Looking forward to see familiar and new faces here, feel free to ask anything!

#Introduction #Introductions
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bunny boosted

the abbreviation "sic" comes from the Latin, and is used to indicate that the word or phrase preceding it was fucken sick

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I just read another news article about why mastodon didn’t make it and is dying. It’s very sad to hear and probably explains why I have to keep adding more server capacity to handle all the people quitting mastodon.

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Boost this toot if you're gay

Or have adhdtism

though i've been on here for a while, i appreciate the hospitality everyone is showing in light of the decline of other social media sites

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still working on repopulating my timeline but i've found some very lovely people already :abunhdhappy:

the bluesky thing is slightly frustrating, i wish it federated with instances that use the activitypub protocol. there's already a big community on mastodon, and we might see further fragmentation if bluesky gains wide adoption. i am not going to make another account for a totally disconnected service...

bunny boosted

Logging on to Mastodon… I think I will read six hundred posts today. Perhaps I shall even indulge myself and read six hundred and one

fausto mercier - overcorp

found this the other day, i'd like to give this EP a spin sometime, sounds nuts

dj shadow - what does your soul look like, pt 4

this one is a classic, no doubt

bunny boosted

Completely engrossed by this documentary about the first computer-controlled audio mixing console, the Solid State Logic SL 4000 E. SSL veteran Karen Down walks us through the fascinating process of setting up and using the console. I find the interface fascinating and I wonder how different it is from the original 1979 incarnation (the bootup screen text says 1995).

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!