we gotta look out for each other, start making our own spaces for sharing and connecting again

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furthermore, we should bring back message boards for this same reason, and i don't mean private telegram & discord servers.

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the idea of the larger web becoming a feedback loop of ai-generated content and bots really emphasizes the value of places like mastodon instances. it's ours, we can make it what we want, and we can keep the automated sludge out. these spaces might end up being our primary form of connection in the near future.

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fireground - reprocessing

great new release, these two are worth looking out for. music that gets you grooving

sorry for the inactivity, i've not abandoned mastodon i promise lol my attention is just split many different ways

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comfort zone - tilted

just dropped a few days ago. comfort zone is one to keep your eyes on if you like jungle, huge tunes

jega - latinhypercube

really complex programming here, i admire how much work went into this track

spreading misinformation is frighteningly easy, many people do it without even thinking twice, because it SOUNDS true

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the internet has turned me into something of a skeptic because of all the false info i have to check constantly

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love that Google Maps decided this is a noteworthy topic the reviews share

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!