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This weekend I:
- Went en femme in public for the first time.
- Met up with a close friend and came out to him (clothes and makeup gave it away).
- Came out to my largest friendship group and a couple of smaller ones.

I pushed myself and it paid off. I’m so lucky to have such supportive friends.

Hard to believe it took me two years, four pints, and all my resolve to come out to my safest friend less than two months ago.

cursed, lewd, incorrect buzzer 

@xgranade 4: because singing only

I bought some clothes! These are the first women's clothes I've bought, and I like them, even if the skirt isn't the right shape for me.

The coat was a great find. I got it cheap at a second hand store, and I love the style and fit.

I've always thought I'd look cute in a pinafore dress too. I'll be wearing it when I come out to a close friend tomorrow. Throwing myself in the deep end.

I managed to figure out how to send a compliment through Boots customer services. Her name and time was on the receipt, so it should be enough to reach her.

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I hope she knows she made my day. I wore my biggest smile.

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Milestone: bought makeup (concealer and foundation) for the first time. The lady in Boots was so lovely and helpful. Apparently my tone is “porcelain” because I’m so pale I’m basically blue.

@jenniferplusplus same same. Successfully resisting, but I feel like I’m missing out on tasty drama. Always a mistake to indulge.

Every year for the last 20 years my resolution has been some variation of “get better at Japanese”, with predictably disappointing results (I’ve improved, but the goal is always set too high).

This year I have the far more attainable resolution: “Grow tits”

I lost 2.5kg. Not a recommended method of weight loss.

I’ve been caught up in the delirium of the worst flu I’ve ever had since Wednesday. Did I miss anything good?

If anyone knows of any jobs going at the intersection of journalism and technology my DMs are open

@kai lol, but seriously fuck Air Transat and their crappy cattle class ventilation.

I feel shit and it's probably because Canada gave me fucking covid again.

@cwebber These are super interesting, and I'm going to delve deeper and put the effort in (so this is a only a gripe), but both sites fall short for the first question I'm coming in with: “What equipment do I need to do the actual stitching?”

@jenniferplusplus Tuesday happened while I was on a plane, and I’m about to get on another, so agreed.

It’s pretty cold. Let’s improve things by taking a transatlantic flight to Canada.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!