Bullshit game design
Look at this ridiculousness. Half the town's on fire, the other half is covered in nuclear fallout. What's the biggest issue on the survivors' minds? The fact that taxes are at 20%. Not from the perspective of "Hey, tax the rich more to fix this mess" or anything like that but generic "MuH TaXEs ArE tOO HiGh!!" What kind of bullshit right-wing ideology leads you to develop a system this ridiculously bad?
on the black trans flag
So, I'm going to *massively* overstep my territory here, both as a white person and as decidedly *not* a graphic designer, but I'm not sure that flag edit works, aesthetically speaking. I'm not exactly sold (though I like the thought), and I feel it might be better to redesign the trans flag entirely, rather than edit it. I've included a mockup of what I think might work, but it needs work and input from BlPOC before it's ready to be used. (So don't go using it yet.)
Re: Kat brags for a bit
Here's a redacted version of that news article. Technically, based on my last name (or perhaps you could also make out my first name), you *could* find out what school I went to, but I'll leave that as a challenge to the reader (ya fuckin' creepy stalker).
(And don't think of googling the headline. That article was print only. Heheheh.)
A minor correction to my post here. Nothing major, but I did get the heartbeat slightly wrong. Q is actually a small downwave at the beginning of the QRS complex. My point still stands, particularly as I got most of the ECG right, but it's worth correcting. Also, there's something called a U wave. Not majorly important, usually doesn't even show up, but, that's there, in case you cared.
Now, that said, it does seem similar to the ECG output corresponding to 3rd degree heart block (shown below). Something tells me, though, that the game devs didn't do that on purpose and kinda just drew what they thought a heartbeat looks like.
Here's an ECG from a game, with a rough scribbled on normal heartbeat for comparison. Notice how the game's ECG lacks a T wave and seemingly is missing that Q interval (or it has no P wave and 2 RS complexes). This bugs me intensely.
(delete and redrafted because I forgot the image caption)
Phlebotomist. Cyberwitch. Artist. Fighter. Accidental breaker of computers.
Genderfluid enby. Pansexual/-romantic. Kitsune-kin (9-tailed)/Incubus-kin. Plural, with a bunch of headmates.
DAMNED PROUD ANTIFASCIST and an anarchocommunist.
Be warned: In theory, I post both lewd/NSFW and incredibly personal stuff. πβ
(In practice, it's been a while, but who knows?)