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Pokemon SwSh spoilers? 

I enjoy this. Not even the least bit surprised.

By the way, can we talk about the fact Rose thinks this is an acceptable way to dress?

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Damn. It's fucking foggy out this morning. I've got less than 100 meters of visibility.

I don't have much to add, but I love that the top comments on the crab rave video over on YouTube are already celebrating. You love to see it.

Trains are cool and all, but it'd be nice if they didn't cut the town in half when you're biking to go get mail.

Man, Apple is so cool. Desktop gadgets and video wallpapers? I really feel like I'm living in the future...

Can you believe TI still wants US$100 for a TI-83 Plus, a calculator first released in 1999?

I just got this old Macbook Pro running and what's the first thing I do? Install and play Bejeweled 2.

So, here's a thought. The cars in Daytona USA are pretty boxy. Do you think they were trying to work off the gen 4 NASCAR cars and just ended up hitting hardware limitations, or do you think they ended up deciding to work off the gen 3 cars, since those were pretty boxy anyways? Like, I'm legitimately curious. The cars in game are much closer to, say, Rob Moroso's #20 oldsmobile from 1990 than to, say, Michael Waltrip's #20 pontiac from 1994, the year of the game's release.

I was looking through a lab magazine's comparison of lab information systems and, uh, was not expecting to find this:

I...I'm sorry. Did the person who wrote this have a stroke while doing so or something?!

I've got orientation today at the hospital I'll be doing clinicals at. Figured I'd take the selfie now instead of at 02:00 tomorrow... (Yeah, 3 AM shift gonna suuuuuck...)

(Image CW: Selfie, eye contact)

Wistful musing 

8 weeks ago, I walked into this building for the first time. I'm not sure if I really knew what I was in for when I did. Today, having finished finals, I walked out of it for the last. I'm still not technically done. I still have clinicals to do. But, there's still something emotional about this moment. It's been a heck of an 8 weeks, that much is for sure. Now, it's on to the next step.


Now, look, I'm no expert on the postal system of Sumeru or of Teyvat at large, but I don't think that's a valid address.

lewd?, body horror 

Your periodic reminder I cannot be trusted with an image editor

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!