
sendaen (Vi), weapons 

Vi showing off WP_Disrupt.LX, experimental weapon data they stole from a megacorp and reworked to match their totally normal throwing knives (WP_ThrwKnf.L2), but with an added spark of disrupting code~

sendaen (Vi), weapons 

i still can't decide between LX being "the level is obfuscated" and "it's an experimental weapon so X for experimental haha"

sendaen (Vi), weapons 

knowing Vi, it's absolutely the obfuscation tho

sendaen (Vi), weapons 

@azushark it can be both. I'm nore into the level being obfuscated, but perhaps the reason why is due to it's unique nature. either way it's dang cool

sendaen (Vi), weapons 

@azushark nice mask, silent hunter

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