hey did you know that sendaens are cute and you should make one

🎨: @Pockatiel on birdsite

Calytrix and Vesper

two different but similar beings, one is an imperfect copy of the other

sfw furry art, sendaen (Ichi) 

Ichi is a highly skilled hacker, adept swordfighter, and carries a weapon designed to devastate entire servers.

nsfw furry art, sendaen (Lucky) 

idk i felt like drawin somethin lewd, plus i rarely if ever am comfy drawin any of my transmasc. characters like this so aaaaaaaa

nsfw-ish furry art, body horror, Sendaen (Calytrix), "multipartite infection" 

rough ideas so far but hey

sfw furry art, sendaen (Delta), extra limbs, taur 

just a proof of concept but... h...

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sfw furry art, sendaen (Delta), extra limbs 

hey look another sendaen

their name is Delta and they're a hacktivist

they're affiliated with 4cc3l3r473_ΔM, a well known hacktivist group in Manifest uwu

sfw furry art, Calytrix, weapons 

and the analysis image again, with updated details for Calytrix's bio page

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text in image 

see, one of my favorite concepts is the idea of an item that gets stronger with every level but also has serious drawbacks at higher levels

ok so I was writing stuff abt Calytrix and then decided to google her name and theres apparently a company called Calytrix Technologies...


sfw furry art, sendaen, weapons 

and a design sketch for a friend uwu

sfw furry art, sendaen (Calytrix), action! 

Calytrix throwing a SkullPiercer crystal!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!