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job bs, local shark still not paid and is fucking pissed 

informal request to be paid has been filed
will follow it up with a formal request as soon as i can get paperwork for it

if that doesn't get them to pay me, i can pursue legal action 15 days after

who to commission for before and after hrt pics of a character >.>

lewd text 

i'm just thinkin about the bulge he'd have in that 👀

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implied lewd text 

concept: Andrei in a sharkbite swimsuit

physical & mental health (---) 

almost crashed my car last night

idk if it's sleep deprivation, the new antidepressants, or both, but i've been falling asleep for short periods/blacking out while driving to/from work

knocked a part off my mirror last night tho

physical health (---), blood tests 

sure is a lot to be testing...

medical stuff, hrt related 

my estrogen has been doing this for a while now lmao

physical health (---) 

on top of all the other weird stuff going on with my blood, my testosterone levels are as high as they were when I was on 100mg/day spiro while i still had balls :/

physical health (---) 

i hate how i'm noticing all these issues now that i know there's a problem

physical health (---) 

@IzzyWithAnIzze no obvious signs of any infection

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!