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plural stuff, new headmate mayb? 

thinking there might be an eighth one now

well, guess i'm gonna be over here for a while

birdsite hasn't been loading for me all morning

@wntrdrgn two headmates active at once? it's more likely than you think >:3

@00dani possibly!

i just hadnt been able to figure out anything beyond fishe

Calytrix and Vesper

two different but similar beings, one is an imperfect copy of the other

Hey friends, i've opened a Patreon in hopes of moving to doing art full time ;u;

Hey friends, i've opened a Patreon in hopes of moving to doing art full time ;u;

kinda sorta want more accounts on other instances for my headmates who don't already have accounts, but h

slightly lewd shitpost yes good

also automatically scrambles itself after so you can keep going for more if you want

sfw furry art, all the headmates 

haha remember when i only had a few headmates

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sfw furry art, sendaen (Ichi) 

Ichi is a highly skilled hacker, adept swordfighter, and carries a weapon designed to devastate entire servers.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!