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sfw furry art, eye contact 

don't ask me how the armor works

it just do

sfw furry art, weapons 

Vi, hiding from a (pretty military-lookin') corporate thug in a less pleasant part of cyberspace

on one hand, i don't want to work for Amazon because of the horror stories and such

on the other, $16.25/hr is hard to pass up

a shark reflects on her past, sexuality stuff 

before i came out as trans, i went through a period of exploration into my sexuality

back then, i figured i was panromantic and demisexual, which made sense at the time

at some point later i figured "okay im just pansexual" and then i later came out as trans and my preference for other women really started to show, but i was still okay with whatever

now here i am, coming full circle back to panromantic demisexual because reasons

well yes, but actually no, but actually yes

-me, in trying to figure out if i'm actually demisexual or not

nsfw oh fuck this is good

i mean yeah, its the prerequisite for EMR training (which is the bare minimum for being a paramedic)

why is my brain wanting me to be a paramedic lmao

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and here I am once again contemplating getting certified for Standard First Aid with CPR-C+AED

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!