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i really don't like how i cant search for a particular post from someone

fundraising for self 

I *really* hate asking for money again, but I've hit the same problem as last year. No job going into the holiday season and bills are sapping my savings dry.

I should hopefully have a new job soon, but because of bureaucratic bullshit on all sides I've been reduced to having just enough for one more car insurance payment and not much else.

If you just wanna help out, here's my paypal

i keep accidentally posting the version of Vi's ref that doesnt have their eyebrows colored in @~@

nsfw furry art, Viral Vi Vi's viral form spreads viral code via injection uwu

mention of lewd stuff 

ok so Vi is normally just not fucky at all but their viral form is extremely fucky

i should draw their viral form >:3c

but here i am in Abbotsford

the most comfortable city i can be for financial reasons

but goddamn do i ever feel unsafe at times knowing how shitty people can be around here

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but then again, where the fuck else would i live

any closer to Vancouver and things become unbearably expensive

any further away and i'd lose convenient access to services i need to live

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!