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physical health (---) 

anemia? and some wbc issues too?

w o n d e r f u l . . .

plural stuff 

Winter is a good boy

glad he's been around more often lately

yesterday was a boy day and now i'm just thinkin about Winter a lot

dreams and real life events, too much coincidence 

yeah i'm kinda just

losing my shit over the fact I very regularly have dreams involving real life events that end up happening two weeks to multiple months later

it happens way too often to just be coincidence

trans surgery was a trashpost now an actual question 

@fluxom_alt i know a handful of people who have considered such a route, one was going to go for it but then their insurance wouldn't cover the prosthetics :c

working for a company that I generally consider to be an enemy is weird as fuck

sfw furry art, eye contact 

@AzureHusky naw its fine!

I just found the coincidence hilarious

sfw furry art, eye contact 

also @AzureHusky you might wanna see this lmao

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sfw furry art, eye contact 

to think this cutie was my first sona

she started out as pink and purple but became blue puppy... bluppy

when she was pink & purple she was known as Serena

when blue her name was Azure, which is kinda funny because she's also a husky ;P

(🎨 : @teakayart on birdsite)

Maco: known me since ~2009, probably from SMFE

Azu: known me since 2012, but maybe missed that Azu is one of my headmates

Serena: known me since around when i came out as trans (or you know me irl)

Annika: pretty much anyone who's met me since 2017 or anyone online who knows this is my preferred name

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i can generally tell when i met someone based on what name they tend to use when referring to me

mental health (---) 

can i have a less broken brain please

plural stuff (~) 

we still don't know what all is going on with our brain, but it's definitely something

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!