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Levels 5+ are often nicknamed "hellstorm" because of how each salvo starts to resemble a bullet hell attack

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Hailstorm.L4? 256 crystals per salvo

Hailstorm.L5? 1024!

L10 would be uhhh... 1048576...

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Hailstorm launches 4^x crystals per salvo

x being the level of the program

Hailstorm levels above 4 are rare as they can use a *lot* of memory.

Still feel like Vi's Disrupt weapon has the potential to be extremely dangerous if used recklessly

Like, its main function is "disable other programs on contact", but what if if hits someone with no shields or armor directly? What would that do to their link integrity? yeah my brain's been like "ok stuff's gotta work in an action rpg style game"

text in image 

see, one of my favorite concepts is the idea of an item that gets stronger with every level but also has serious drawbacks at higher levels

these are just concepts for my own use but if they end up becoming standard that'd be cool ;P

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long post, links! what'd u think? :3c oh yeah it was like 1.35-1.45 here in like January but still

granted they were as high as $1.50/L around new year's

but still, jfc

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Kinda gross that just a couple weeks ago gas prices were as low as 80 cents per litre and today they're now back up to the pre-covid-uncertainty price of $1.15/L :/ hell yea that's exactly what i had in mind another thought ive got is program levels of anyone near you are hidden until they are used in your vicinity but the names are always available as long as they're in range

Show thread alternatively only Mika has that ability as a side effect of the source fragment

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!