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lmao so

i just got paid by my previous employer

it's the vacation pay they owed me

like, i've been using she/her, he/him, *and* they/them for a bit now for myself at different times

maybe there's something else that'll work at all times tho

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Ice & Fire (the late 1995 video game that it seems very few people actually know exists) is a fairly simple game when you know all the game mechanics n stuff (and the fact the devs left a way for you to skip the flying scenes)

but it has a soundtrack that's just... way too good for it

alright, no food or drink (except for little bits of water here and there) for the next 10 hours

glucose fasting yay

hoping I can hold on to this job for like

idk, more than two years lmao

medical, hrt, negative 

I swear, I worry about this pretty much every time I have my blood tests done

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medical, hrt, negative 

I'm just afraid of having the same adrenal gland issue my mom has

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!