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granted they were as high as $1.50/L around new year's

but still, jfc

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Kinda gross that just a couple weeks ago gas prices were as low as 80 cents per litre and today they're now back up to the pre-covid-uncertainty price of $1.15/L :/ another thought ive got is program levels of anyone near you are hidden until they are used in your vicinity but the names are always available as long as they're in range

Show thread alternatively only Mika has that ability as a side effect of the source fragment

Show thread I'm imagining there's a tactical program that tells you what combat programs a selected individual has on them, but only the best version of which can tell you what levels they are.

ok so I was writing stuff abt Calytrix and then decided to google her name and theres apparently a company called Calytrix Technologies...


sfw furry art, sendaen, weapons 

and a design sketch for a friend uwu

sfw furry art, sendaen (Calytrix), action! 

Calytrix throwing a SkullPiercer crystal!

A wanted fugitive, an infamous bounty hunter, and a famous junk diver.

Vi, Calytrix, and Lucky are all p cool but now i wanna make a more mundane sendaen lmao

Lucky encounters Vi while on a deep dive for a specific piece of data, ends up offering to take them in.

Lucky inadvertently gets himself involved in the mess regarding Vi, ends up being the second to know about the sensitive data Vi has.

hmm, now where could a cute sendaen named Lucky whose snout emblem is a spade have possibly coalesced?

my brain wants to say online casino network

hell, some junk divers might use his experiences to gauge how dangerous a job might be

if Lucky got injured, they'll probably fare much worse

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Lucky *is* lucky, but only relative to other junk divers.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!