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hrt, (---) 

that's two pharmacies now

still no injections

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hrt, (---) 

pharmacy I usually go to won't fill my prescription, stating they don't carry it and can't order it in either

hrt, repeating letters 

im finally getting switched over to injections, hopefully

i cant get this filled until tomorrow

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forgot to post this here

shark quickie, character belongs to @azushark

nsfw furry art, pov 

it's not often I get a pose right how I want it hhh

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nsfw furry art, pov 

local puppyshark gets fucked... by you~ uwu

I literally cannot see the words "tail" and "time" next to each other (tail time) without immediately thinking about Gex help

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!