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Opening for commissions again!

All prices listed are for full-body images (will be at least thigh-up, but often just complete full-body). Headshots (shoulder-up) available at reduced cost. Examples below.

Commissions of sendaens still 20% off.

Sketches: $30
Colored Sketches: $50
Ref Sheets: $100

All prices in USD. Complex designs (wings, complex patterns, etc.) subject to complexity fees.

4 slots + 4 overflow slots available.

DM here or on Discord (azushark) to claim a slot!

I'll occasionally return to update things but I'm still way more active on other sites these days.

was hoping i'd have moved out by now but finances kinda suck and i live in a place where rent is pretty high and would be even more ridiculous if i moved closer to the city

oh well

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hey did you know that sendaens are cute and you should make one

🎨: @Pockatiel on birdsite

been off of here for a while, probably missed a handful of follower reqs

not super active on here anymore

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!