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"There are usually two kinds of coders giving advises. A fresh one that has no idea how complex things really are, yet. Or an experienced one, that forgot it."

uma esolang baseada em tiopês, que permite intercalar simbolos como ( por 9 ou : por ;

além disso, permite anagramas de nomes de variaveis e espaços nos lugares errados.

ajuda @lafp

Para quem tem vontade de aprender um pouco sobre ansible. Dei uma atualizada no material do tutorial hoje.

Tem mais coisas pra atualizar, mas já dá pra seguir por aqui

I respect screaming babies on airplanes because they're the only ones providing honest feedback about the overall air travel experience

Conference organizers: it is not safe for your trans participants to go to a conference in Kansas because they can no longer safely and legally pee there. Florida is likely to do the same soon. And maybe in the future any state without positive protections in law already in place.

Pick your future venues carefully and ask for escape clauses in your venue contracts should anti-trans laws be passed.

The official Mastodon app is doing something new which is potentially very dangerous to the existence of Mastodon and the Fediverse.

The official Mastodon app now prompts users to join by default, when previously it prompted them to pick a server. If you're new this may sound harmless, but let me explain.

The entire point of this place is to be a social network spread out on as many servers as possible (the reasons are here:


Rich people and companies know that fines are licensing fees.

gender is a scam made by bathroom companies to sell more bathrooms

Meu google-fu já foi melhor. Hoje eu sofro tentando convencer o google me dar resultados em algum idioma específico ou focado em alguma região que não seja a minha imediata.

Os caras em vez de pedir pra abrir tudo da openAI e outros LLMs pedem pra "pausar".

Claramente um pedido de altas, zero preocupação com a humanidade etc etc

O epílogo de Y The Last Man é perfeito. É raro ver uma série (mesmo em quadrinhos) fechar com tanta classe, com tanta qualidade. Fico feliz de ter terminado a leitura.

In Rio, some people were giving a scamming course. The exam was essentially scamming people and sending money to an account provided by the teachers. The teachers (of course) didn't grade anybody and took the money. The students arranged for the teachers to be kidnapped; the teachers called the police. Of course, since everyone was a known scammer, they were all arrested, teachers and students.

This represents Brazil more than futebol and samba😅 no caso, especificamente pra liberar FGTS pra financiamento de casa :|

Show thread por que por que a Caixa exige contato via WHATSAPP para liberar os fundos do FGTS? por que eles acham que isso aumenta a segurança???

scrapy é vida. poderia programar diariamente nesse framework sem enjoar. aliás tudo em python é tão bonitinho...

Error: Your password must contain at least two characters who talk to each other about something other than a man.

Please stop using “mom” as an example of an unsophisticated user of technology. This reinforces harmful stereotypes.

Instead, I suggest using “congressperson”.

I'm tired of living like it's the 1600s:

Can I afford eggs at the market?
Are my family going to die of the plague?
Puritans are coming for my sinful lifestyle.

I want modern problems.
Modern Problems.

Se tem uma coisa que ficou claro nesses últimos anos é que quando a polícia quer, ela sabe ter tato em suas ações de incursão, com dupla checagem e acolhimento.

Portanto, nunca duvide de que matar preto e favelado, dar tiro e borrachada em professores, É 100% INTENCIONAL.

Every news outlet should stand up a Mastondon instance for their reporters & staff.

It’ll be great to see or whatever domain they want to use.

Built in verification. Every reporter for the Washington Post on a washpo domain. Every reporter for the New York Times on an NYTimes domain. Etc, etc.

Plus the “local” feed for each instance becomes a feed of all the posts from that institution mixed together — providing extra discovery.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!