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@blackle i liked the 🚫 πŸ– 🍽 🐟 pic from way back

don't touch our only employee, she has strict boundaries

Oh wow, I am already learning so much about Gravitational Clairvoyance.

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Got recommendations for Suricrasia Online? We want to hear from you! Toot it out with and we'll boost! Fuck!!!

Aaah, my Suricrasia Online sticker has arrived! From now on, I am connected πŸ˜»πŸŒŠπŸ–±

why is "push rdx; pop rax" smaller than "mov rax rdx" on x86_64 ??

Suricrasia Online's "All Assembly, All The Time" method of demomaking

god writing a distance field raytracer in assembly sounds... difficult

I made a distance field raytracer after school ended and I could maybe revisit that

I should probably figure out opengl but I think it would be cool to make a demo that cpu raytraces a really complex looking scene but is like, really small

we should do more demoscene stufff... like visuals this time

we build our customers out of sand and then compress them with great pressure

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!