
I'm not even into incest lol but like come on why do people think it's wrong, why do you care what two siblings do if they're not gonna have a child. "Two sisters loving each other is deeply wrong" that's like saying two women can't love each other. You have no argument to back this up

incest The only issue I really have with it inherently is that it can cause a weird power dynamic that can be abused by one of the siblings for less-than-savory reasons, but that can be said about a lot of things.

Assuming no one's getting taken advantage of, though, who cares?


re: incest 

@klymilark @iro_miya I think the age gap thing is sorta blown out of portion. I've had a fair amount of +10 gap relationships where I was always the younger. They were all healthy. I've had relationships where we are close in age that weren't. It sorta feels like instead of confronting that abuse doesn't look like anything but abuse. There is a want to tye it to some other aspect of abusive relationships. I think also being older doesnt make one automaticly have more "power" u know?

re: incest Oh, absoltutely. I'm 9 years younger than 2 of my partners and we started dating when I was 25, and 11 years younger than an ex who I got with at 23/24. There are definitely points where age gaps get worrying (20+ year difference when one of them is, like, 21), but even then it's a red flag not an immediately abusive situation.

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