Disability, Doctors
Doctors suck, I have been gas lit into almost thinking I was a hypochondriac. After years and years of doctors not doing their job cause my stuff is a little unusual. And they are lazy? Or just bigots. Out of no where recently I've gotten dx'd and medicated where I've been told previously that nothing was wrong. Its been very weird. Like I've been telling doctors for years I have immune issues and now out of nowhere they believe me and do the tests and of course I do have it.
Disability, Doctors
What changed you know? I'm the palest I've maybe ever been, but my PCP is also brown. But the rest are white. Maybe after almost 10 years of hormones i look less intersex. The gaslighting is some of the worst as far as disability goes cause it comes from everywhere, docs, friends, partners, family, strangers. And its gotten so much worse since the start of the pandemic. People glare when I have to use I cane, purposefully cutting me off. Like sorry you don't believe in canes?