cannabis question (please boost :boost_animated:

my purrtner has a form of cancer that makes it harder for her to smoke and while we do have some thc gummies for her they sometimes do not do much for her.

I've read a bit online about people using cannabis flower for making tea and it seems like that should be a decent way of getting THC from the flower but I'm not sure.

Has anyone on fedi ever tried making tea with cannabis flower, if so does it work well for you?


re: cannabis question (please boost :boost_animated:) 

@cyberboy cannabis tea is pretty nasty tasting. And cannabinoids are an oil so WON'T mix with water. Best you'll get is an oily layer on top of the hotwater. If you need something that is not solid as an edible. Coconut canna oil is your best bet you can just put some in your mouth. And the taste isn't awful.
This close too how I do it. But I like a lower decarb temp 180f for 45 mins.

re: cannabis question (please boost :boost_animated:) 

@cyberboy this can be really strong. Cause you are capturing a lot more of the psychoactive chemicals with coconut oil. So start with a small dose.

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