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nsfw - horny shitpost, fedi "meta" 

i should do this. especially with all the free 30+ reply deep hellthreads discussing us politics

#shitpost #hornypost

Posted by someone else first, but here it is with alt text.

ok, this kid knows how to create a proper write-up:

congrats and respect. on the other hand the response of the "privacy tool" signal is disappointing. and cloudflare is being cloudflare.

this is how fox's access the internet btw. just in case you didn't know

Depending on your job you probably have in the past made compromises. Maybe to keep your job. Maybe to survive. This is a bright line. If you are asked to be the one to update the table don't let it be your fingers typing those changes.

If you can't just say "No I won't do that." Stall, run away, feign incompetence. Just don't let it happen.

I suspect this might be where the rubber hits the road first for us around here.

Nothing has changed. You do not have to do it. It is not even ordained.

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I know someone who rebuffed such a request. Boss was apologetic "it's what the higher ups want, oh *I* think it's a lot of nonsense, but I don't want us to be out of step ... blah blah"

It was proposed to them in sheepish way. They said it would be a lot of work, not add anything of value, and most important they would not do it. It didn't come up again.

Fascism can be the work of zealots, but there are also many sheepish middle management helping hands who "don't even believe in this really"

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us-pol; CW-meta; rant; swearing 

FUCK OFF with your “THIS IS TOO IMPORTANT TO CW” bullshit!

We told you how bad it’s gonna be.
We told you the impact of it.
We told you all the tech corps will be complicit.
We told you they are facists!

Don’t come screaming on my lawn only because it took YOU until now to realize what is happening.

I cannot afford to stay uninformed anyway, but if I shall function somewhat as a normal human being, I need to be able to decide when I am engaging with this. And I don’t even live in that fucking country and this is the effect this has on me!

Put a fucking CW on your fucking post.

(Boost if you agree.)

Oh Wayland or X, X or Wayland, blah blah blah Wayland vs X epic rap battles of history.
When femboy power bottom, gods favorite guerilla militant revolutionary TWIN is right there!

For morale purposes I have once again donned my guillotine earrings.

What is one simple act of resistance that will absolutely infuriate any authoritarian determined to make the world ignore pandemics and climate change?

Wearing a mask.

ACAB includes our own eagerness to make harsher consequences for fucking mistakes

Now would be an excellent time to start wearing a respirator.

Do it as a show of solidarity with those who’ve spent five years being told they’re expendable and whose lives are constantly in jeopardy.

Do it for yourself. You don’t want to become disabled in this new MAHA era.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!