@PaniczGodek its partly a reference to this image @prahou #unixsurrealism
But also 2005 was the year multi core x86 processors started to become popular making them vulnerable to Transient execution CPU vulnerability.
I want a #SPARC laptop so bad!!! #Tadpole , #natutetech
#powerpc is also cool, but a lot of them involve mac
@mapache #linuxfromscratch the only way to get a good install experience anymore damn.
Ok, I just installed linux and the experience sucked. Everything worked at the first try, even in advance mode all was flawless.
This is not the experience I remember, where is the need to spend 4 hrs figuring how why the wifi card is not working, or trying 30 different configurations of X.
Now what I am suposse to do? Just use it? Where is the learning at the hard way?
The 2005 rise of #x86 till whenever Intel's fall will be, will surely be known as the technological darkage.
Scientists are growing concerned that infections of the SARS-CoV-2 virus may be triggering more cases of chronic fatigue syndrome or myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS): https://www.sciencealert.com/chronic-fatigue-syndrome-has-surged-since-the-pandemic-study-reveals #CovidIsNotOver #WearAMask #MaskUp #MECFS #LongCovid
Sex is not the enemy.
Rape is the enemy.
Exploitation is the enemy.
Puritanism is the enemy.
Abuse of power is the enemy.
Racism, misogyny, erotophobia and transphobia are indeed enemies.
Capitalism is sure as all Hell the enemy.
Sex, on the other hand. Not the enemy at all.
Sex is nice; pleasure is good for you.
Especially in times like this.
Be gay/queer/bi/slut/kinky/ace/poly/a. Do crimes. Fight the powers, outside and within.
Sex is not the enemy.
@tofugolem @ramshackle I understand perfectly how fluid the idea of whiteness is. And you aren't telling me anything I don't already know. Your conflating America's support of their puppet state Israel with the Jewish diaspora. Your just flat wrong jewish people as a race don't benefit from systemic racism. saying centuries of persecution is just gone because, Israel is ridiculous. You could say Israelis benefit from the genocide their government is committing but that's a different conversation
If you think Jews are white now cause you started caring about Palestine on Oct 12th and now think you understand what Zionism(its fascism) and the complex history of antisemitism. Pls kindly fuck off, especially if your white yourself why not sit down and shut up. And before people think I like Israel I don't, all states are evil and that one especially.
they're breaking government so they can loot it.
that's all they ever do.
they interred the Japanese and grabbed their property.
they lynched free Black people and stole their land.
they shoved indigenous people onto reservations and stole their land.
theft. looting. stealing. breaking. taking.
that's all The Man does.
it's really that simple.
Ok #openbsd people what shell should i run on my new BSD install.
Love old tech and anti-authoritarian praxis
RISC and singlecore CPUs
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Follow requests have been turned on solely because a previous irl friend is stalking me on this account and I don't know their account name. If this is you, pls just stop.
Lots of body no worky Just a puppy