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What's happening to the US right now is exactly what the US did to Latin America.

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@ohkrll @drwho is there a one time pad for these or are you ment to figure it out on your own?

@bengesko no lol its okay I hope your high is going well, I mean i used to hike alot 15+ miles a day. And I was a free diver with a breath hold of 2 mins and 30 feet dive. Before things got really bad and covid did its thing. I just never did the gym/high impact stuff cause I knew something was wrong, before I got a diagnosis. I just know what douches gym rats and contact sport people can be and in a weird way eds saved me from that. Not that I don't wish that I didn't have it mind you.

You know if I hadn't been disabled my whole life, I probably would have been a gym rat/grabbling martial artist. Makes me almost happy to have a collagen defect....

@nyanide buh, :thaenkin: I think having bad sex makes me dignified.

Nobody fuck this guy, he says he sucks in bed. And likes inexperienced women 😬

Regardless of how bad climate disasters become, the state will still fight to kill off the "undesirables" of society. They're still actively sweeping unhoused folks in LA. They are still heavily relying on prisoners to fight the fires. They are still going after black families with false accusations, they are still murdering drug users, implying they are starting fires!

@ada yeah its very versatile, used a lot in gluten free stuff as a binder. Another couple I forgot are tapioca starch and potato starch.

It's almost as if we're seeing the techbro class all having mass mid-life crises at once.

Instead of hiring that ghost writer, they're outsourcing it to a stack of GPUs.

Then they realize that they don't enjoy creative work, and in their privilege, assume everyone is like them.

And they're so unable to stop min-maxing their empty little lives for profit they can't resist productizing it.

Now, with your help and, we have brought the Cvkvlv back to life for all to know about in my art and life. My hope is my beadwork and other art brings good medicine to you in honor of the great Cvkvlv!




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Thought to be extinct, the Cvkvlv was heavily affected by the removal of Indigenous people from its habitat, including the Mvskoke, in the Trail of Tears and other removals. After that, for a hundred years colonizers further destroyed its habitats until it could live no longer.


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Cvkvlv is pronounced CHUH kuh luh, kind of like chocolate.


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Woodpeckers are medicine birds, respected for their persistence and power

The largest and strongest of the woodpeckers is the Cvkvlv, the ivory-billed woodpecker. Traditional Mvskoke medicine practitioners still use songs about the Cvkvlv. Its own song was recorded only once, in 1935.


Fuck having resolutions for 2025, we need to start having revolutions already :acab_car: :anarchy:

"We survived centuries...because we knew what we were doing and used every scrap of a tool at our disposal. That is how we can continue to survive and how, if they dared listen to us instead of hating us, we could lend ourselves to others who wish to survive."

Senita Cactus

A big specimen of Senita Cactus found close to Quitobaquito Spring 😊

In the US, this cactus is found only in the southern edge of Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, AZ 😉

#Nature #Photography #Hiking #Walking #Wildlife #Cactus #Arizona #Mindfulness #OrganPipe #NationalPark #NationalMonument #Desert

we should all get together and go beat up the dork who invented work

Eight more Quercus mexicana acorns (lower right on tray) showing signs of sprouting. They seem to take their sweet time: these have been soaking for weeks (albeit outdoors). The eight are now in tall paper pots with potting soil. #Trees #ClimateReady #AssistedMigration

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!