@woe2you @dalias @altruios @tante Disclaimer: I say that working for an AI company. I get to see firsthand how utterly useless LLMs are at their job, whether it's commercially available ones or ones that we train on our own hardware. They can't even produce buggy code correctly. The only useful AI stuff we sell is bespoke tools designed and trained specifically for and with our clients' data. None of it is LLM based.
Last August, Lynch (who had emphysema) said he might never direct again because of the "let it rip" covid unmitigation strategies adopted by governments everywhere.
Wondering how many mourners would willingly, and without prompting, wear a mask around people suffering from Long Covid, respiratory illnesses, or other immune dysfunction, out of respect for their struggle, instead of placing the entire burden on vulnerable disabled people.
I start ivig infusions for the first time in a month. I learned it takes 5 hours. I really hope they have somewhere I can set my laptop so can at least learn some coding while sitting there. I'm also gonna bring my switch, I'll have to figure a new game to buy. hope they don't get to upset about me moving my arms around with iv in lol
Wow! Biologists seem to have discovered an entirely new kind of life form. They're called 'obelisks', and you probably have some in you.
They were discovered in 2024 - not by somebody actually seeing one, but by analyzing huge amounts of genetic data from the human gut. This search found 29,959 new RNA sequences, completely different from any known. Thus, we don't know where these things fit into the tree of life!
Biologists found them when they were trying to solve a puzzle. Even smaller than viruses, there exist 'viroids' that are just loops of RNA that cleverly manage to reproduce using the machinery of the cell they infect. Viruses have a protein coat. Viroids are just bare RNA - it doesn't even code for any proteins!
But all known viroids only infect plants. The first one found causes a disease in potatoes; another causes a disease in avocados, and so on. This raised the puzzle: why aren't there viroids that infect bacteria, or animals?
Now perhaps we've found them! But not quite: while obelisks may work in a similar way, they seem genetically unrelated. Also, their RNA seems to code for two proteins.
Given how little we know about this stuff, I think some caution is in order. Still, this is really cool. Do any of you biologists out there know any research going on now to learn more?
The original paper is free to read on the bioRxiv:
• Viroid-like colonists of human microbiomes, https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.01.20.576352v1.full
I see just one other paper, about an automated system for detecting obelisks:
• Tormentor: An obelisk prediction and annotation pipeline, https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.05.30.596730v1.full
There's also a budding Wikipedia article on obelisks:
Stay tuned!
@b0rk if I'm understanding this right kitty term has that function. For those people who like stuff like that
@sleepybisexual if you are anti-capitalist and antifa. autistici.org is good, but small, and expect to fill out why you want to use their free service.
Every academic should be able to write code, write a book, engage in critical theory, design an experiment, talk for 5 minutes, talk for an hour, do education research, chair a committee, take orders from a committee, know physics, know history, know linguistics, appreciate literature, talk students down from doing stupid stuff, run a budget, use Word, use LaTeX, use a shared drive, build a website, coordinate a 25-man-deep phalanx, run a book seminar, run a lab. Specialisation is for insects.
two hackers encounter a relic of an ancient past
stanley lieber (https://stanleylieber.com) said this to me once during a heated debate on the best web browsers (mothra v links2). The quote stuck with me ever since.
@eurritz I lost mine in multiple moves
What kind do you have?
Love old tech and anti-authoritarian praxis
RISC and singlecore CPUs
Pls send a follow request
Follow requests have been turned on solely because a previous irl friend is stalking me on this account and I don't know their account name. If this is you, pls just stop.
Lots of body no worky Just a puppy