stop giving corporations the benefit of the doubt. there's no doubt, and even if there was, why the hell are you giving them the benefit of the doubt? look where that shit got us. "They probably don't mean what they wrote in that legal document" are you kidding me

@fiore exactly, i dont think you should feel bad at all. And being younger doesnt mean you need less money. Probably means you need more money to survive tbh

@fiore i mean on top of the fact that the person tutoring highschool subjects most likely isnt a physics major.

@fiore each, youd have to pay a service for each kid right? So yeah 40 total is a perfectly resonable price

@fiore yeah im sure 20 is more than reasonable. they would be paying more for a tutoring service right

@feld @alice @homelessjun this guy is why so many people didnt vote for the dems in last election. He is like the poster child, one of a million liberals, that defend fascism by inaction and ive got mine fuck you ideas. i guarantee that he thinks the blm protests were bad, but will shoot you for his car.

Every vandalism of a Tesla makes people less likely to buy a new one, owners more likely to sell theirs, insurance less likely to cover them, drivers more likely to put anti-Musk bumper stickers on them, and shareholders more likely to dump their stock before everyone else does.

Billionaires have no shame, no morals, no conscience, but they have stock shares.

This is how we hurt Musk. This is how we make being a Nazi a bad thing to him.

Not every Tesla needs to burn—just enough that there's always a credible threat of it.

I hope the owners have insurance.

#TeslaTakedown #FuckMusk #ResistEverywhere

We are adaptable, as individuals and as people. But that does not mean we must adapt to oppression, to inequality, to bigotry. Though we may be tempted to go along to get along, sometimes we must choose, as individuals, as people, to fight.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!