Amazing how all you folks who show up in my replies to say humanity is the disease and a lotta folks have to die because "climate" are never the ones offering to do the dying.
There's enough planet for a whole lot of people; there isn't enough for capitalism to continue. If you're high on Malthusianism, you're not a leftist, you'll make a great fascist some day, and we're not gonna be friends.
What we need is a radical, rebellious, fuck you optimism. The kind that spits in the face of despair and keeps moving forward anyway, middle finger raised and teeth bared.
Stumbled tonight upon this 1913 editorial cartoon by William Kemp Starrett originally published in the Albany Knickerbocker Press. They knew how deadly it was back then to mess around with milk. Millions of lives have been saved over the past century thanks to government oversight and regulations. Don't loosen them!
researchers found on an average of 10 months after COVID-19 onset, younger (ages 18-44) and middle-aged (ages 45-64) adults had worse neurologic symptoms of long COVID than adults 65 and older. Symptoms included headache, numbness and tingling, problems with smell and taste, blurred vision, depression, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue and a decrease in cognitive function. These symptoms occurred regardless of if the patient had mild or severe COVID-19 infections.
As an autistic person, I don't need anyone to tell me what to read, who to follow or who to block, I don't need to ask anyone if something is valid or not, I can see for myself. It's interesting to meet autistic people but the herd thinking, running all in the same direction, shouting all the same slogans and throwing stones at supposed enemies that the "community" points out is not to my taste.
well this is quite possibly the most interaction i've ever had with a post. if you're able bodied and not living in poverty, please consider contributing to our gofundme to allow my partner/carer to move to the uk to live with me full time
How do #persistentpathogens affect brain function? #PutrinoLab , Nash Family CoRE director & PolyBio scientist, explains: “MCAS or chemokines from systemic infections affect everything. Inflammation causes mitochondrial dysfunction, which leads to energy crisis [in the brain].”
Someone once called me a "civilized anarchist" because they thought I didn't support direct actions. They assumed very wrongly.
I responded with - Would you say that if I intentionally torched a logging bulldozer machine & wasn't sorry about that?
They were stunned into silence. People like that would be the first to turn me over to the fascist cops, if they ever got arrested themselves. That's why I do not trust them. I vet everyone who wants to join me on frontlines. I don't let folks who behave like above described in. They're dangerous to frontlines community.
Personal disability, sex related
Hi slut me of the future or alternative timeline, have extra fun with those cute queers and kinky activities for me will you.
Personal disability, sex related
I miss being the slut I once was. I've always been disabled but I was just healthy enough to have random hook ups and at one point I was poly saturated. But covid took all that away. I can't be in public spaces or date cause of all the allergies and no one masks. I still have one close friend that I live with but they aren't interested in me the way I am in them. The lonelyness of disability really gets to you, I don't think its talked enough about.
One thing all people, Americans especially, need to understand is that Government is only one form of power. Many things "Govern" our lives outside of Government. Now I may be a bit of an anarchist but at least I am realistic about the need for heirarchy to be thrown out in all parts of life.
The problem now, and we will see this in the coming years, is that we are walking into a sort ofcapitalist feudalism, in which self appointed kings (Musk, Thiel) seek to rule all.
Baby steps of learning r and p̶y̶t̶h̶o̶n̶ now rust oop kinda annoyed me.
Pls send a follow request
Follow requests have been turned on solely because a previous irl friend is stalking me on this account and I don't know their account name. If this is you, pls just stop.
Eds and post covid
Just a puppy