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The idea of an operating system that only has what you need to do remote sysadmin and nothing else is very interesting to me. I should look into it

For centrist elites, it's called a "policy disagreement."

For the working class and marginalized communities, it's a matter of life or death.

Do not normalize extremists.

OK moshidon is ok, I guess I can tolerate this for a non dead app

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I love nsfw for people but if you’re only looking at thin white girls who aren’t getting paid maybe think on that

I know I should stop using megalodon, but I hate all the other UIs on the other apps. I'm posting from tusky and its like Facebook and twitter had a baby. I don't like it.

Worryingly, several public health academics and scientists are rushing to sane-wash Trump's nominees. They naively think that trying to place nice with them now will limit the damage. The history of authoritarian governments proves otherwise. Do not obey in advance. It only makes things worse.

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TIL: If you want to save yourself the trouble of SSH into a machine and then run some systemctl command, you can also just use `systemctl -H <hostname>`.

I knew there was a `-H` parameter but I always thought it required some special setup… turns out, nope, it just uses SSH.

#linux #systemd #SSH

So if I wanted to be a DBA for scientific databases (preferably biology) is that a realistic job market? And how would I break into that? What SQL variety is industry standard? Are there many remote positions?

Slightly lewd joke 

You can't convince me that LinkedIn isn't a fetish thing for people who enjoy acting like blank corporate drones.

"Settlerism is closely associated with the political project of whiteness. White people tend to think whiteness is about skin color alone, and that prejudices about melanin, and indigeneity, and gender, and ability, are both inevitable and mutual. All of these are political beliefs that gird a universe of policy and practice, and they are taken for implicit fact by ignorant millions. Racism, and all the prejudices whiteness unites, are neither inevitable nor mutual. One finds common the fear that the wronged will simply return the favor. You sweet child, we are not all barbarians. There will be truth, and then reconciliation."

He doesn’t mean it, they won’t really do that, it’s just talk …….

Shout out to artists making fan art, sex workers, drug dealers, folks sharing media for free, folks bypassing DRM. You're some of the most important criminals in our society.

kink, i guess a bit of discourse? 

i do not know how much of a hot take this is here but i do not care imma post it anyway thank you

Here's what the West does to ensure Fascism takes over.

Left Wing parties are sabotaged and ignored until the only option given to us is Fascism or the Centrism that nobody wants. So bigots choose the Fascism and everyone else is having to shout at the other options to be more electable but those Parties don't care and do not listen.

And then it's "Oh look, the People (always just under a third of people actually) have chose Fascism, how did that happen?

Am I describing your country?

Took my dog to the dog park today. He had a lot of fun, and listened very well.

Felt really really sad today, but I gotta remember I have bipolar and things while bad aren't quite as bad as my brain tells me they are.

Amazing how all you folks who show up in my replies to say humanity is the disease and a lotta folks have to die because "climate" are never the ones offering to do the dying.

There's enough planet for a whole lot of people; there isn't enough for capitalism to continue. If you're high on Malthusianism, you're not a leftist, you'll make a great fascist some day, and we're not gonna be friends.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!