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Bring back flashmobs but instead of doing an amusing dance number we spontaneously descend upon an oil exec and consume them like a school of piranhas before vanishing back into the fog of normality.

Trans kids today are braver and tougher than what was demanded of Gen X queer kids.

This is both praise and deeply shameful. This should not be required of them.

A reminder that puberty blockers aren't being banned for cis kids, because they're safe.

It's not clinical risk, it's transphobia.

In memory of Kyriakos and in solidarity with Marianna, Dimitra and Dimitris

"From Act for Freedom Now!
Original title: "From Bari (South of italy) in memory of Kyriakos and in solidarity with Marianna, Dimitra e Dimitris."
On the 16th of November, the assembly “NO CARCERE NO CPR” (no prison no deportation center) organised a greeting in front of the prison of Bari in the South of Italy for those

"loitering", "public disturbance" and "illegal camping" are the crimes of existing in public.

like decolonization is not a special interest plank but the foundation of unifying aspects like antifascism and prison+police abolition and climate justice+stewardship. i want leftists to see that more than wanting a pie made of genocide to be divided equally

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"I fully intend to kill 68,000 people per year for sustainability purposes" would get you or I thrown in prison.

For UHC, it's a mission statement.

being a guy doesn't automatically turn you into satan, being a woman doesn't automatically make you a saint, being non binary does automatically turn you rad as fuck

If you agree murder is bad, but you don't view insurance corporations denying critical medicine to people knowing full well they will die as a result, as a form of murder, then you don't in fact believe murder is bad. You believe rich people should be able to kill poor people and you should learn to be honest with yourself.

WHO Director-General @drtedros at a media briefing on 10 December 2024:

"We cannot talk about COVID in the past tense. It’s still with us, it still causes acute disease and Long COVID, and it still kills.

The world might want to forget about COVID-19, but we cannot afford to."

The thing is, you can’t fight the class war and also hold on to your hate of marginalized people. Capitalists love having marginalized people who are forced to sell their labor at a loss. An effective labor movement requires solidarity with marginalized people. That’s the real distraction is conservatism which marginalizes and devalues the labor of queer people, bipoc, women, etc. You wanna fight the class war, you gotta drop the hate

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If you believe that the Syrian people should have waited for the absolute perfect moment to defend themselves against Asad, because Israel and Turkey and others are bad actors who also attack Syrians, then you are advocating for passivity in the face of some of the most horrific violence imaginable.

There is no perfect moment. There is no guarantee of success. One bad actor’s defeat doesn’t immunize you from attack by other bad actors.

So fuck it. Do what you can to survive and fight back.

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#TechTip you can enable manual adding of search engines in #Firefox by adding this variable in about:config:

`browser.urlbar.update2.engineAliasRefresh` as `true`

Then in the search settings on about:preferences#search a new "Add" button will appear

everyone is gonna turn the UHC shooter into a meme/folk hero and forget that the point was anyone could do what he did. the real tragedy of him being caught will be people losing sight of the fact that this isn't a problem any one person is responsible for or that any one person could fix; the whole system itself needs to be overthrown and that requires collective action, otherwise his actions meant nothing.

nsfw but not lewd 

tonight i spent a solid hour reading and getting sidetracked whilst verifying the origin of the etymology of "missionary sex"

to save you the rabbit hole, yes Kinsey's report is the earliest known recorded use of it, the 1929 paper he references makes no mention of a "missionary position" or any form of "missionary sex" in general

this means the term missionary sex is, as far as we know, only about 75 years old

this means grandpa couldve been having missionary sex and used an entirely different phrase for it


What cute queer programmers and tech nerds, do you watch? Vtubers and IRL is both good.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!