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ANE Posting , Vaccines+ 

Word up the grape vine about the continued covid vaccination + masking policy bending people out of shape and having them be all like

"If ur gonna be like this, gonna cancel my reservation 😭"


Well good. Plenty of people really wanted to come visit and it did not help that rooms for the main and overflow were sold out in minutes.

It makes more room to the folks actually considerate of their community. They seem like good folks to hang out with at parties. Really though, more conventions should pick back up masking and vaccine requirements.

if you care about disabled people at all, please put whatever money you can where your mouth is, i'm disabled and desperately need my partner with me long term, but that costs money to get a legal partnership arranged, please help

Lewd, piss 

Pbr tastes like literal piss. In the best way possible :blobdrool:


I can think of so many more productive things to spend my time on than arguing whether or not the health insurance CEO shooter is a "gud person" or a "leftist."

Seems clear that he's some libertarian who nevertheless hates the health insurance industry. What does this mean to me, a person who is arguing that the important thing here is striking fear in the capitalist class and the conversations the act spawned in a labor class being boiled alive by rich capitalists?

Sounds off topic.

UnitedHealthcare CEO killer 

Class "solidarity" without racial consciousness is kinda useless tbh.

It's rly not that hard to grasp that had the ceo killer been black or brown the discourse would have a totally different tone rn, and he probably wouldn't even be alive. C'mon now

Lewd, piss 

Pbr tastes like literal piss. In the best way possible :blobdrool:

Trash Gryphons, by‬.

I'm not sure which one I like more... the expression on the vulture opossum, or the crow raccoon who's apparently the size of a human.

You can get philosophical as you like as to whether or not withholding lifesaving medicine from someone is "as bad as" shooting them.

But I think that, from the point of view of the person being harmed,

the difference is kind of irrelevant to their concerns.

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There are people who are mad about this and still somehow imagine that they are “leftists” who support liberation.

Someday the Israeli occupation of Palestine will end and these people will be mad about that too.

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yeah you may be coordinated but can you rub a puppygirl’s tummy and jack her off at the same time

sex related 

"why are you drawing an anthro bee character with boobs they lay eggs they don't need boobs for anything. i need gooners to stop drawing" okay kellogg log off

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!