See also: the time cops in Buffalo, New York casually smashed an old white guy’s head into the pavement in 2020 because he was in the vicinity of a protest critical of police violence.
I realize that “mask off” gets bandied about a lot but there’s always a substantive and observable shift in the way the state responds to critics of the status quo when elites feel genuinely threatened.
Cryptid deer warning!
If you spot one, be sure to boop them :3
by mangomilkstudio
Its just the intersection of of transphobia and misogyny. Full stop. tma and tme were dumb and terfy. Inclusion is our history and if its not our future, I'm not sure we'll have one. Also I can't help but notice alot of this is coming from yt people <_< stop it
The whole popular trans discourse as of the last 5 years, is disappointing to me. It just all seems very online, not knowing queer history and exclusionary. Mircolabeling you oppression won't get you liberation. Taking words to describe intersectional oppression and using them like a sports team is in very bad taste. Transmisandry can't be a thing because misandry isn't an axis of oppression full stop. And transmisogyny isn't a some special thing worse than everything else.
Elvis sent us this video from the grapes in Kern County. Workers share: This is the grapes that we are picking right now. The box has to weigh 21 & 1/2 lbs. This box has 8 bags in it. Look at the nice packaging my coworker did. #WeFeedYou
Microsoft has used various tactics to delay Linux and even try to destroy it. While it may have supported SCO's lawsuits via proxy method, its current strategy involves buying influence within the Linux Foundation. This demos how corporations like Microsoft, SCO, IBM, and others, driven by greed and control freak natures, have attempted to control Linux. However, the GPL 2.x licenses protecting the Linux kernel have blocked these efforts so far ;)
I've noticed that this kinda trend when I post about my experiences with racism there's like a marked decrease in interactions in comparison to like other kinds of discrimination, and I don't fully understand like why?
Like I post about getting misgendered and I'll get a few hug reactions, but like about racism then crickets?
Like do people see angry brown woman hysterical at something that doesn't affect them and ignore? Or are like my posts too flame baitey and ppl don't want to engage?
It's not like I want to present myself like that, yknow. I'd love to be all uwu cutesy all the time but it's kinda hard to do when you're barely surviving under the boot of a racial hierarchy
Or is it like ppl don't know how to respond/don't want to "make things worse"? Idk if it's a euphemism for like telling me to fuck off or something but I've on multiple occasions been told by white people that they didn't interact with me because they didn't want "to make things worse"? Like idk racism isn't some magic extra category of discrimination that isn't comparable to anything else no? I mean in the sense like you can still use empathy to work out what is and isn't a helpful response to someone facing racism right? Like it's the same as any other kinda discrimination?
Or is it just like that the audience that I cultivate here is too white and like my posts just don't resonnate enough to be worthy of a response?
Genuine question I guess, like from my perspective I really can't understand why you wouldn't extend like solidarity to someone experiencing like discrimination just because it's not like the exact kind of discrimination you can relate to?
On everybody's disappointment in meeting Luigi
I don't know if Luigi was resigned to being caught, or just wiling to take the risk rather than laying low. It doesn't feel like he knew how to talk to police. I wish he had disappeared, not only for his own good, not only to encourage more action by others, but also because the reveal ruined the mythmaking.
The few days where he was anonymous felt like watching a legend. Calmly clearing the gun for the second and third shots was like a Homeric scene. The getaway on the bicycle, the inscribed shell casings, the Monopoly money, the unremarkableness of his appearance; no other words for it, it was the story of a hero. The "CEO shooter" was being stanned by everyone, by MAGA fascists and communists, by anarchists and centrists, even liberals were going like "I don't condone murder but...". The scarcity of details, necessary for a myth, let everyone project their hopes onto the masked figure. The assassination itself was a masterpiece, no notes.
But now we have just another 4chan shooter ig. All the epic fanart and memes suddenly became silly when we all know his name, politics, motive, profession, childhood school, mother's maiden name and preferred genre of hentai. I haven't looked deeply into the all-too-human actual reality, but from what I can see he doesn't look like a hardcore MAGA white supremacist or anything, just your average Elon Musk fan, edgy "apolitical" tech dude. (A comrade pointed out he could have left a doge or pepe in the backpack rather than Monopoly money and this would have made him a legend with that crowd). It seems that his only radicalisation was Kaczinsky, which he admired not for environmentalism or anti-civ feelings but for the "mathematical" nature of Kaczinsky's arguments in favour of violence (which, to be fair, are fully correct).
Now, instead of a shadowy Robin Hood+Punisher figure who would pop up on stickers and street art, the fallback of this in my circles will probably be a resurgence of Kaczinsky discourse, and I'll have to argue all over again that while Ted's commitment to direct action is commendable he's actually an asshole who sucks, and I expect I'll also have to do the same about Luigi, and we'll have to deal with boring things like the complexity of human beings and ethical nuance and how people who have bad beliefs and do harmful things can also be capable of brave and moral actions like shooting a CEO.
And of course that prison is wrong for everybody no matter if they're a transphobic misogynist joe rogan anti-woke etc. So, sigh, free Luigi Mangione.
New parasitoid wasp from #canada just flew in:
Perilampus neodiprioni
#HymenopteraJour #PerilampusNeodiprioni
#science #OA #openaccess #biology #taxonomy #ecology #biodiversity #nature #wildlife #conservation #animals #invertebrates #entomology #insects #hymenoptera #wasps #parasitoidwasps #parasite
Love old tech and anti-authoritarian praxis
RISC and singlecore CPUs
Lots of body no worky Just a puppy