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OH: the laptop got on HRT and it is not a chromebook anymore

Since the US banned Hawaiian language and culture, our native language speakers dwindled to the brink of extinction in the 1980s (>100 child speakers). The fact we've 30,000+ Hawaiians speakers now is testament to our struggle to preserve our culture from eradication.

Cars are too safe for their occupants and too hazardous for the rest of the world. We go too fast, we drive while in a state when we should not (tired, intoxicated, with ADHD.)

We need slower, more fragile cars. Destroy the car, not the person it hits!

Replace every highway with trains! Reintroduce cable cars! Run a train through rural stations every half an hour, and through urban and suburban stations every 15 minutes.

Reorganize our society around Slow.

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If you revoke approval of the polio vaccine, it means you want more polio. That’s not even a joke, that’s just math.

Google is trying to jam "AI" into all of their products but an interesting element of the way they integrated it into Android Messages is "Gemini" shows up as a conversation, which means it is actually possible to block and report it to Google as spam

A key issue with AI is that transition to degrowth or doughnut economies *requires* structural transition towards low-carbon, labour intensive economic sectors - an economy built on production of art, knowledge, education, care of people, environmental restoration, energy transition. AI is exactly the opposite - high carbon, low human labour. Ie a high growth economy with big emissions and high labour productivity, that is, less "labour costs".

once again solved the world’s problems by saying “its capitalism fault”

as a sysadmin this so much. It’s one thing to say "oopsie something went wrong" and provide a button for the professionals to see where it went wrong and it’s another to just not provide any diagnostic information so I get to debug a black box.


Sitting Bull was murdered on this day in 1890. His story is often reduced to legend, but I and other Lakota are the living proof that his resistance shaped history, and will shape our future. #LandBack

is anyone here good at web design. how do i make my forum look worse in a good way.

We need to rip science and education from the hands of academia, their exclusionary ideology and participation in war/capital will crush scientific cataloging and discovery to dust.

Change the author of all of your git commits without destroying commit dates

git rebase -r --root --exec "git commit --amend --no-edit --author 'First Last <>'

Important reminder, if you own a domain name and don't use it for sending email.

There is nothing to stop scammers from sending email claiming to be coming from your domain. And the older it gets, the more valuable it is for spoofing. It could eventually damage your domain's reputation and maybe get it blacklisted, unless you take the steps to notify email servers that any email received claiming to come from your domain should be trashed.

Just add these two TXT records to the DNS for your domain:
TXT v=spf1 -all
TXT v=DMARC1; p=reject;

The first says there is not a single SMTP server on earth authorized to send email on behalf of your domain. The second says that any email that says otherwise should be trashed.

If you do use your domain for sending email, be sure to add 3 records:
SPF record to indicate which SMTP server(s) are allowed to send your email.
DKIM records to add a digital signature to emails, allowing the receiving server to verify the sender and ensure message integrity.
DMARC record that tells the receiving email server how to handle email that fails either check.

You cannot stop scammers from sending email claiming to be from your domain, any more than you can prevent people from using your home address as a return address on a mailed letter. But, you can protect both your domain and intended scam victims by adding appropriate DNS records.

#cybersecurity #email #DomainSpoofing #EmailSecurity #phishing

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!