• #YallMasking? #MaskUp in 2025 with well-fitting N95 respirators
• Support your local mask bloc - https://maskbloc.org/#local-blocs
• Resist mask bans - https://longcovidjustice.org/resources/resist-mask-bans/
zionists–and antisemites who pretend to be antizionists–want to flatten 3000 years of history and culture into a less than 200 year old political movement.
I truly believe one day the State of Israel will fall, Palestine will be free, and the majority of Jews will again be non-zionists, just like before the State of Israel existed, it will be reduced back to a fringe nationalist element.
the State of Israel will be a dark chapter in our long history, to which we will say–never again. and we will make our promised land wherever we choose to dwell on this Earth, or off it. and Jews who live in Palestine will do so as neighbors and not as an occupying army, just as it was for thousands of years.
So glad that thousands of dollars that could have gotten people out of homelessness and starvation went to a good cause and ensured that Kamala won the election, because it would be silly to throw all that money away and lose, wouldn't it, it would be really silly to put all your faith in electoral politics fixing all of societies problems if it was possible for it to not go your way
Once again begging people to give up on "if you're not paying for the product you are the product" because I've seen so many people who now think if you are paying for a product your data is totally safe now forever because if I'm paying the company money they don't need to sell my data
When instead they could also sell your data and get Two Money
There should be a rewrite of AFPL to remove rights for the government.
I hope someday programmers will see that corpos shouldnt profit off them and governments shouldn't use their code for war crimes.
hot take
DisplayPort should be the standard display connector everywhere(, even on servers). VGA and DVI are a fuck to plug in and can only carry low-quality signals; HDMI is proprietary, the HDMI forum(?) is a fuck and the standard lies far behind Display Port, like seriously the supported resolution and refresh rate as well as compactness (DP over USB-C!) are so far beyond.
Just use Display Port, fuck all the other display connectors.
"what's next do you want to be able to install Android on an iPhone and play Halo on a PlayStation" yeah man sure why not
pride discourse
Love old tech and anti-authoritarian praxis
RISC and singlecore CPUs
Pls send a follow request
Follow requests have been turned on solely because a previous irl friend is stalking me on this account and I don't know their account name. If this is you, pls just stop.
Lots of body no worky Just a puppy