Most people, when accused of a crime, if they are innocent they will refute it and point people to the refutation. They provide all the evidence, in specifics and point to specific things, and call it a day.
Most people, when they're guilty, will stop trying to provide any evidence because they don't want to go to jail and anything they say *can and will* be used against them. They usually shut up and try to ignore it.
Sometimes though you encounter this special type of histrionic person who is so concerned with themselves that they can't help but continuously rat themselves out and mald over it. Law enforcement and PI's love these people. They are the best sources. They tend to sing like songbirds when given a proffer. They also provide way more than enough evidence for their own convictions with very little pressure. They have the right to remain silent... but lack the complete ability.
Are there any good #biochem #streamers or #youtubers ? I like watching #chemistry synthesis on youtube while I'm doing other stuff. But I can't find any biochem
Brainstorming Request! - I need help coming up with a name.
So some solarpunks and anarchists and mutual aid folks and food folks are coming together in my town and we need a group name.
Two constraints:
It needs to be: FXBG <something>
FXBG is the local town branding for Fredericksburg. So we have FXBG Hackers, FXBG Solarpunks, FXBG Winery, FXBG Arsonists, FXBG... well you get the idea.
The other is we want it do be food related. Mutual aid related. Sort of thing. So something that encapsulates food security, free fridges, food rescue / gleaning. Buuuut... its not the only mutual aid group in town, so it can't be too overarching. Like no FXBG Mutual Aid or similar.
What are your (and I mean you... the one who read all the way to the bottom of this post) thoughts?
"FXBG Free Fridge & Food Rescue" is too much of a mouthful.
"FXBG Food" is too generic
"FXBG Gleaners" isn't specific enough
"FXBG Food Rescue" doesn't include the free fridges.
I need help!!!!
#foodSecurity #freeFridge #postScarcity #mutualAid #solarPunk
The model indicates that COVID-19 transmission rates are now higher than they were during 59.2% of the pandemic, with new daily infections reaching 606,000.
Monthly Forecast:
Average Percentage of the Population Infected: 1.9% (1 in 53)
Average New Daily Infections: 900,233
New Infections Expected Over the Next Month: 27,007,000
Resulting Monthly Long COVID Cases: 1,350,000 to 5,401,000
Injured #ctenophores, uniquely, can #fuse together into a single organism, even integrating their #nervous and #gastric systems.
Scientists accidentally find deep-sea 'jelly' creatures merged into 'single entity' after injury, revealing bizarre new behavior | Live Science #science #biology #MarineBiology #CombJellies
Mass resignation of the editorial board of the Journal of Human #Evolution. #Elsevier has gone bad. Very bad, in fact.
anti-transmasculinity and me / 🧵
There's the label on the tin: transmasculine non-binary. Which some folks read as "man."
Then there's the reality of my appearance: short, large breasted, delicate skin. 99.9% of people read me as "woman."
And then there's fedi.
"Transmisogyny exempt" doesn't exist except in hyper online circles. And y'all who think it does need to go touch some fucking grass.
All trans people are subject to transmisogyny. Transmisogyny is an intersectional marginalization.
Love old tech and anti-authoritarian praxis
RISC and singlecore CPUs
Pls send a follow request
Follow requests have been turned on solely because a previous irl friend is stalking me on this account and I don't know their account name. If this is you, pls just stop.
Lots of body no worky Just a puppy